Il Corsi in Osteopatia ISO sono sottoposti ad un continuo monitoraggio, condotto dalla università inglese che ha dato la validation ai corsi e che rilascia agli studenti il titolo accademico a completamento dei loro studi.

Il monitoraggio consiste nella verifica dei programmi, nella approvazione delle domande d’esame, nello scrutinio dei risultati, nonché in visite annuali e semestrali di sostegno e controllo. Gli esaminatori esterni bilingui nominati dall’università stendono una relazione alla fine di ogni anno accademico.

Dicono di noi gli esaminatori esterni

  • The course team continues to be highly motivated and forward thinking in their ability to make positive changes to the course. The course itself, whilst demanding in the first year, provides students with clear progression and development, and the necessary skills, attributes and understanding to become an autonomous osteopath.
  • I was very impressed with the research projects and the links to other institutions where students were able to carry out their projects.
  • In particular the practical marking sheets are some of the best I have seen in my work as examiner, moderator and external examiner and as such the centre should be congratulated.
  • We were impressed by the breadth and depth of knowledge demonstrated by these students, whose achievements were even higher than those expected from average comparable accademic insitutions
  • The modules in the MSc Advanced Osteopathic Practice should be highlighted for the reflection, criticality and current practice that they incorporate.